‘One of the most prevalent contributors on my healing journey. I swear by it.’

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STEPHANIE SHREEVE opens up about how Whole Body Cryotherapy has been a life-changing tool that has contributed to her own healing journey, through a number of health challenges including: chronic Lyme disease, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue, leaky gut, acne, psoriasis, depression and anxiety. Read her inspiring story, ahead.

During a very emotionally and physically traumatic time, Whole body alchemy cryotherapy delivered instant yet sustainable results, allowing symptoms to alleviate within my mind, body and spirit and providing an opportunity to reset on a fundamental core level that very few if any other forms of therapies or healing remedies out there offer.

As anyone experiencing adversity in any shape or form knows the immense emotional and depletive toll it leaves you in. Honouring and accepting this was the beginning of any true healing, for me. Cultivating stillness in our age has become one of the most challenging practices, Alchemy cryotherapy enabled me to anchor into a deeper soul level, creating space to listen within as the noise and often unnoticed chronic distraction of the mind frosts away. 

Of course, like any healing mechanism it is only complimenting your current lifestyle, choices and actions. Without daily meditation, conscious nourishment and prioritised sleep it is likely this state wouldn’t have been met and the results wouldn’t have been as celestial.

I enjoy the attempt in articulating this experience for me. It is very well and predicted to write about the euphoria and instant rush of elation felt, but alchemy cryotherapy is just so, so much more than the excitable high.

I see it as an opportunity, an opportunity to not merely survive in this world but thrive.

As someone that has been what literally feels paralysed by parasites, infections, crippling doubt and depression, to knowing how alive we truly are designed to be, makes it hard if not impossible to ever departing ways with this lifelong romance.

Alchemy Whole body cryotherapy helped me reinstall hope. It still does.

Regardless of your circumstances, there are benefits reaped beyond any rational mind can comprehend.

Disease was the catalyst for changing my entire life, a chance to begin anew.

 I believe, like all decisions we make, it’s a choice. A reflection of our willingness, the commitment we’ve made internally at how we desire to experience this time above ground, the person we’re consciously choosing to be.

Thank you, Alchemy cryotherapy, for assisting greatly in me showing up in the world as the wisest version of myself.

Eternally grateful.


Connect with STEPHANIE SHREEVE via her inspiring platform for cultivating consciousness:  Soul Before You.

Do you have an Alchemy Story to share? Email: southyarra@alchemycryo.com.au

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