'Cryotherapy reduces the inflammation on rest days so my recovery is much faster.’

Chris Vlahogiannis (pictured right)Photography by William Lu, W.L Fight Photography

Chris Vlahogiannis (pictured right)

Photography by William Lu, W.L Fight Photography

CHRIS VLAHOGIANNIS has conquered over 170 Whole Body Cryotherapy sessions at Alchemy Cryotherapy Centre! Read his inspiring words ahead as he shares why he loves to Cryo, how he primes his body and mind to master his potential, what his favourite bio-hacks are for optimal health and performance, plus more.

1. How did you discover Alchemy Cryo?

I discovered Alchemy Cryo through google. I was watching a documentary on Floyd Mayweather and he was using a cryotherapy chamber. I was also reading up on cold thermogenesis by Dr. Jack Kruse who is one of the world’s leading optimal health educators. He spoke about cryotherapy & how it is beneficial for the human body. So I googled it, read up on it & found Alchemy Cryo.

2. First Alchemy Cryo memory?

The very first time I dId it I clearly remember coming out of the chamber VERY cold, but also I just had a huge burst of energy & euphoria.

3. Why do you love to Cryo?

It really helps with my recovery after training, I do a lot of Kick Boxing / Muay Thai / Boxing and this form of training is very demanding on the body so I’m always inflamed by the end of the week. Cryotherapy reduces the inflammation on rest days so my recovery is much faster. I also do it because it improves my immune function. I used to get a chest infection at least 2-3 times a year. Since I have been doing Cryotherapy I have never been sick with the flu or had a chest infection. I believe it seriously boosts the immune system and makes the body more adapted to cold thermogenesis. I also feel it really helps out with keeping my skin looking fresh & young. … Oh & the sleep!!! … You sleep amazing after doing a double session!

Victor Nagbe (pictured left) & Chris Vlahogiannis (pictured right) - Whole Body Cryo at Alchemy Cryotherapy Centre

Victor Nagbe (pictured left) & Chris Vlahogiannis (pictured right) - Whole Body Cryo at Alchemy Cryotherapy Centre

4. How often do you Cryo?

2 times a week, sometimes 3.

5. Single Session and/or Double Session?

Always double session.

6. Favourite Cryo Song(s)?

Stereo Love by Edward Maya & Vika Jigulina.

7. Early bird or night owl?

The early bird gets the worm 😊

8. How do you prime your body and mind?

I do a lot of physical training & bio-hacking. I train Mon-Fri 2x a day (AM-PM sessions) and then rest up on weekends. Monday AM sessions I mix HIIT, Weight Training, Long Distance Running & Swimming (I change it up every single week to keep shocking my body) followed by 4 or 5 nights a week of Boxing or Muay Thai. I’m physically exhausted by the end of the week. I try to do 10-15 minutes of meditation before I go to bed for a good night sleep.

9. Favourite evening routine to end your day?

I use an application on my mobile phone called Headspace, which is a meditation app so I try to get 15min in before I go to bed, clear my mind and prepare for bed.

 10. What are the top item(s) on your grocery list?

Avocado, Eggs, Vegetables, Wagyu Eye Fillet Steak, Blue Cheese, Peanut Butter & Bacon.

12.  Favourite health hack(s) and/or gadget(s)?

I love bio-hacking, it is my passion so where do I start? LOL! I always start my morning with a bulletproof coffee. So I have a shot of nespresso coffee with a tablespoon of bulletproof mct oil or extra virgin coconut oil. Followed by another tablespoon of grass fed butter. I feel the fat & coffee gives me a ridiculous amount of energy to start my morning sessions. It’s also fuel for the brain.
I also am a HUGE believer in Earthing/Grounding so I go to the royal botanical gardens or the beach as much as possible to get my daily dose of the earth’s magnetic energy. We live in a world where we no longer connect with the earth. Some people go months without ever taking their shoes & socks off and touching the bare ground. The health benefits of grounding are enormous from improved immune function, digestion, sleep, rapid healing of injuries, improved circulation & accelerated recovery from intense athletic activity.

Lastly, I use blue light blocking glasses 90 minutes before I go to sleep. Blue light from your mobile phone, LED’s, downlights etc are VERY harmful to your sleep. Blue light tricks the eye into believing it is still day time and stops the body from releasing melatonin, it can stop the production of R.E.M sleep (the deep sleep which repairs the body & brain) for up to 4 hours. So when you sleep, you might be sleeping for 8 hours but you’re only actually getting 4 hours of good sleep. I use these glasses so I can still look at my phone or watch tv before bed. I can seriously say since using these glasses I have never slept better in my life then now. All major sporting clubs (Real Madrid, Barcelona, NFL & NBA teams etc) now force all their athletes to use blue light blocking glasses one hour before bed. And lastly, on sleep. I don’t have any electronics or light in my bedroom. My mobile phone is put on airplane mode when I go to sleep and I leave it in the living room. My bedroom is in complete darkness to optimise my sleep as much as possible 😊

13. Favourite time-saving hack(s) and/or gadget(s)?

Uber Eats.

14. Which app(s) are you obsessed with?


15. Favourite book(s) and/or blog(s)?

I love reading autobiographies. Currently reading John Kavanagh (Conor McGregor’s coach) Win or Learn. All time favourites are Total Recall (Arnold Schwarzenegger), Open (Andre Agassi), Leading (Sir Alex Ferguson), My story by Kostya Tszyu. Also love some fantasy books like Gates of Fire, Spartan, Lord of the Rings & Game of Thrones.

16. Favourite Podcast(s) and/or YouTube Channel(s)?

UFC channel on Youtube. Joe Rogan podcast is DEEP! 

17. What is the screensaver on your phone/computer? 

It’s a picture of Zeus, God of Thunder, King of Olympus & Ruler of the 12 Greek Gods & Goddesses. He represents Power and Glory! Also have a picture of Ares, Son of Zeus & Greek God of War!


18. Other than Cryo, how do you step outside your comfort zone?

I have a bucket-type list that I write up at the start of the year with things I want to do. I put down 50 things I plan on doing each year and I cross them off, like skydiving, ice skating, weekends away at wineries, holidays, going to museums, galleries, hot springs etc. Some of them are just crazy, but it’s my life and it’s what makes me happy.

19. What motivates you?

I saw a quote about 3 years ago when I got on my health kick journey which really motivated me. It says “No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training, it is a great shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable of.” – Socrates 469-399 BC.
Ever since then I have been on a mission to hit my peak, when I saw this I was 135kg leading a really unhealthy lifestyle, and since then I have lost 40kg and trying to better myself & people around me to live a healthier lifestyle but still having fun on the way.

20. Favourite quote or words you live by?

I have few of them, so I will share them all. 

  1. We rise by lifting others. 

  2. A positive mind towards everything will give you a happier life. 

  3. You will never do anything in this world without courage, it is the greatest quality of the mind next to honour. 

  4. Loyalty is everything.

  5. The world is going to judge you no matter what you do, so live life the way you fucking want too.

And one from my parents who used to always drill this into me, but now I finally understand it.

“Show me your friends, and I will tell you who you are.”

Catch CHRIS VLAHOGIANNIS via Instagram.

Ready to Cryo? Grab a pass HERE. Questions or comments? Email: southyarra@alchemycryo.com.au