'Double or nothing!’


Chinese Medicine practitioner ALASTAIR EVANS stacks his Cryo sessions to help bounce back from his Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training. Read on as he shares everything from his favourite Cryo song to his favourite podcast. 

1. How did you discover Alchemy Cryo?

Hearing about Cryo through podcasts ignited my interest. But the Alchemy team pioneered floating in Melbourne, I would always chat to them when I went in for a float. They mentioned setting up a Cryotherapy centre and I thought. I have to try this!

2. First Alchemy Cryo memory?

Mostly freaking out because I’ve never loved the cold, realizing it’s not that bad and then stepping out of the chamber feeling amazing!

3. Why do you love to Cryo?

For me it's the recovery benefit, I do a fair bit of exercise and it takes it toll on my body. It’s such a great tool to help me bounce back from training. I wish I had a chamber in my house.

4. How often do you Cryo?

Recently it’s been close to once a week. Stacking them close together seems to have a huge amplification to the effects.

5. Single Session and/or Double Session?

Double or nothing!

6. Favourite Cryo Song(s)?

Recently, Gang of youths- What Can I Do If the Fire Goes Out.

7. Early bird or night owl?

I’m an early bird that pretends to be a night owl. My body likes one and my social life demands the other.

8. How do you prime your body and mind?

Still figuring that out? Eat and sleep well, train smart etc. Getting out of Melbourne and into nature recharges my batteries.

9. Favourite evening routine to end your day?

I’d like to say meditating but really it’s me getting distracted by a podcast or something and staying up too late.

 10. What are the top item(s) on your grocery list?

Pretty boring but organic Vegetables, ethical Meat and eggs etc.

11. What are your favourite forms of movement?

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

12.  Favourite health hack(s) and/or gadget(s)?

Being a Chinese Medicine practitioner I can self medicate with herbs when I’m run down, that's my hack for sure.

13. Favourite time-saving hack(s) and/or gadget(s)?

Cooking enough for lunch tomorrow. Or if I’m super organized the whole week.

14. Which app(s) are you obsessed with?

Super dorky but an app called Wikicamps. It lists camping spots all around Australia. It assists me in achieving nature getaways.

15. Favourite book(s) and/or blog(s)?

It’s Cliché I know. To Kill a Mocking bird.

16. Favourite Podcast(s) and/or YouTube Channel(s)?

Joe Rogan.

17. What is the screensaver on your phone/computer? 

A photo I took of storm clouds rolling over the Grampians with a tinnie in the foreground.

18. Other than Cryo, how do you step outside your comfort zone?

Travel is how I love to be out of my comfort zone. Getting lost somewhere incredible. Unfortunately there is not enough time or money to do it as much as I’d like.

19. What motivates you?

Getting things wrong, failing.

20. Favourite quote or words you live by?

You can do anything but you can’t do everything. David Allen

Ready to Cryo? Grab a pass HERE. Questions or comments? Email: southyarra@alchemycryo.com.au